This section includes reports on Animal Health Monitoring, Routine Services and Vaccination submitted by the regions on a monthly basis.
This section includes reports on Animal Health Monitoring, Routine Services and Vaccination submitted by reporting regions on an annual basis.
This report provides a list of all reported disease events and detailed information about a particular outbreak.
This section displays distribution maps showing the presence or absence of diseases in a certain area as well as outbreak maps indicating the location of disease outbreaks reported in immediate notifications or follow-up reports
E-Service constitutes the online services available on the Internet, whereby a valid transaction of buying and selling (procurement) is possible, as opposed to the traditional websites, whereby only descriptive information are available, and no online transaction is made possible.
Provides information on animal disease situation in field (barangay level) which includes health monitoring, routine/extension services and animal vaccination, and vaccine distribution and others. GIS ready data (georeferenced) using geographic codes (NSCB).
Online and desktop application for the issuance of local permit on animal and animal products(for pilot testing in Regions VI, VII and XI) Monitoring of local movement of animal and animal products.
Online and desktop application for the Animal Facilities registration and licensing(for pilot testing).
Desktop application for the laboratory test done for the animals in the regional laboratory (pilot testing on going at the RADDL IV-A).
Web based application for the uploading and downloading of important documents by the central office staff and field counterparts (Manual, brochures research, presentations and others).
A web based application for the quick submission of vaccination summary and the extent of vaccination coverage down to barangay level.